5 – ‘The Gender-Bender’: Commentary

Corban Wilder

Score: 21pts


Pasha Vertov:

“I think it is hilarious seeing you in a high chair, and I also really like seeing what is under that recently shaved beard.  Although I enjoy for highchair photo, I am not 100% satisfied by the mirror photo. I am very pinked-out by the large amount of pink. Don’t get me wrong. Pink is a very ‘girly-girl’ color and I appreciate its use, but there is a lot of it.”

Abrah Miller:

Frankly, I really don’t get these photos. I appreciate the visuals like you in a highchair, without a beard and the very girly feel of the whole set, but I am not really sure (even with the RP) what you are trying to portray with the mirror.


Gabe Brushfire

Score: 23pts


Pasha Vertov:

“I really like your RP. Its very cute. I liked the story behind the photos. I wish, however, that I could see your face more clearly. Maybe a better angle with the camera my have done it. I am impressed that you can run in heels! Lol!

Abrah Miller:

While i appreciate that you learned to run in heels, everything about your submissions was akward to me, especially the ‘grooming’ shot. Your hair looks fantastic and your outfit is super cute though! So, i do appreciate the aesthetics of your shots, but i feel that they could have been better executed.


Jet Redden

Score: 20pts


Pasha Vertov:

“Hm….Im not going to lie. You make an ugly girl, lol. Im glad you were born a guy. I like the RP, but I am disappointed not to see 2 photos of you in your alternative gender. Your photo is classic. I like your wardrobe choice. Had you used a second photo I’m sure you would have done better.”

Abrah Miller:

Your ‘before’ photo was unnecessary, and also quite dull and lifeless. I hoped that both your photos would have been of your female alternative as well, so that was quite dissappointing. I like your second photo, but because it is a bit far away, i can’t really capture the essence of your feminine side, which again, is quite dissappointing.


Lawton Thorpe

Score: 30pts


Pasha Vertov:

“I love, love, LOVE the two different styles of photos! The angles are to die for! You have really impressed me with these photos! By the way, your photographer asked to be permanently assigned to you and I told him it was up to you. Lol.”

Abrah Miller:

I was completely blown away with these photos! You are HOT! Haha, seriously though, amazing job. The camera angles and sheer difference between the two photos is great and refreshing! One photo of each, was just enough to impress. Keep up the amazing work!


Onion Rotten

Score: 23pts


Pasha Vertov:

“You actually do look like an evil little girl. I really like your photos and think you did an excellent job. I enjoy that you are playing with angles and getting some unique photos. Wipe that makeup off and keep up the good work.”

Abrah Miller:

“I think the idea here was great and i think you did a pretty good job of showing us your feminine side. I dislike pink, so i am biased when it comes to that color but i think that it was well played here. I feel like you could have went with a more subtle makeup and still have gotten the point across quite effectivley. You make a great girl!”


Philip Crichton

Score: 24pts


Pasha Vertov:

“You are much too confident in those clothes! It’s a little scary! I like your photos and I adore the innocent grin in your first photo.  I think you did very well for this photo shoot. I am a little bugged by the outfit not working 100% well with your surroundings.

Abrah Miller:

“I LOVE the first shot, i think that it is effective and gets a point across. I feel like the second photo in the same room and outfit is a little redundant, especially with your history of being very dynamic in your 2 submissions. The pose is akward and that weird thing in the top left corner, is bugging me. You make a cute girl though!”


Breakdown of Scores

Lawton Thorpe – 30pts

Philip Crichton – 24pts

Gabe Brushfire – 23pts

Onion Rotten – 23pts

Corban Wilder – 21pts

Jet Redden – 20pts

One response

3 11 2009
Photoshoot 5 «

[…] Scores & Commentary are posted HERE. […]

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